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Social Outings

Throughout the year, especially in the summer, we plan outings for the elderly to enjoy. These may include ballgames, picnics, a fishing trip, and special theme parties (St. Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, and Halloween). We need volunteers to drive elderly to and from the event and spend time with them.

Birthday Celebrations

One of the nicest things we can do is remembering our older friend's birthday. Volunteers visit, share a cake, and bring gifts and flowers to an elderly person on his or her birthday. This is a commitment on that day of approximately 1–2 hours and is a lot of fun. We supply the cake, gifts, and flowers, and you supply the friendship.

Art Programs

On the first Tuesday of every month at 1:30pm, we bring our elderly friends interested in expressing their artistic side to our office for an afternoon of art. Volunteers coordinate the activities, and the donations of art supplies; assistance is also needed

with transportation.

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